A man from Mars with a human heart

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They’re coming from everywhere to participate in the ‘Miles for Smiles’ fund-raising run in Dubai on 22 November. There’s even a man from Mars taking part.

Not the planet Mars though, even though his name is Martyn. We’re talking the confectionery house here, and in particular we’re talking one Martyn Westbury.

Martyn has been given a special exemption to run Miles for Smiles for a cause other than its main beneficiary The Smile Train – and a richly deserving one it is too.

Martyn will be taking part in the 5k walk (there is also a 10k run) to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. That’s an excellent charity but in fact his walk has a much more personal focus. Martyn announced that he was running for “a great friend from within the travel retail industry – indeed someone who is usually at the forefront of supporting others, and in particular The Smile Train”.  

Noted Martyn in a letter to close industry friends: “I really want to make a difference and show how important this person is to me – and no doubt to many of you.”

Initially he asked that the person’s privacy be respected and his identity kept confidential. However, with the permission of the subject’s wife Christine, we can state that Martyn is championing another Martin – Ray Martin, Director and Co-Owner of specialist training company TRT.

Ray, a terrific guy (and a great, great supporter of The Moodie Report) is seriously unwell at present and his many friends in the business are praying for him and his family during these testing times.

Already the big-hearted man from Mars has raised £3,725 and he has no intention of stopping there (www.JustGiving.com/MartynWestbury). He’s going the extra mile for a man who always has gone the extra mile for many others.

[Ray and Christine Martin can be contacted at christine@trtuk.com]