

Welcome to The Moodie Blog – the travel retail industry’s first-ever web-log (‘Blog’).

Blogs are a phenomenon of our time – a highly-personalised way of capturing impressions and images, rather than traditional journalism.

What industry can be better suited to such a format than travel retail – by definition a global business, full of vibrant and unique national characteristics, ever-changing and caught up in the dynamic commercial landscape of the international travel industry?

As we travel the world – and we travel a lot – we’ll be bringing you lots of off-the-cuff impressions. Think of it as a diary if you like – but in good web parlance, we’ve christened it The Moodie Blog.

You don’t have to agree with what we say – as with all Blogs you can express your view instantly. We’ll only edit you if you stray beyond the realms of good taste and libel.

Stay posted – and thanks for your readership.

Yours in travel retail friendship,

Martin Moodie

Editor and Publisher

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Martin Moodie is the Founder & Chairman of The Moodie Report.

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  • Dear Martin,

    I’m Murat from Istanbul, Turkey. I work in ATU duty free shop on Istanbul Airport. Congratulations for the Moodie Blog! I wish you continued success and lots of fun with it.

  • Hi Martin.

    Congratulations on this- brilliant way to convey view and insights of travel retail industry to the world. One thing I have to say is I’m having fun reading your posts, genarating ideas for the work as part of this business. So thanks for making those opportunities.

    All the best,
    Cathy Hong

  • Dear Martin,

    It has been many years but I would just like to say a huge congratulations to your success.

    Having looked at the Moodie Report, its great to see that despite everything, you have done brilliantly for yourself and obviously still have the reporters bug.

    Well done and I wish you future success.


    Lyndsey Mason