And now, the end is near…

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Martin Moodie is the Founder & Chairman of The Moodie Report.

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The phoney war is over, the side-bets have been laid. And the sponsorship – a remarkable sum, understood to be well north of US$150,000 – has been raised.

Yes Saturday is Miles for Smiles day – the big 5k/10k run/walk/crawl that has attracted over 55 runners from around the world and across the travel retail industry.

It’s been a fantastic initiative (huge kudos especially to Rowena Holland of Essential Communications and Mandy Shine of The Moodie Report who have worked tirelessly in recent weeks to make a complex event happen), that once again underlines the generosity of the travel retail community.

Personally I have raised £4,805, tantalisingly short of my £5,000 target. So if you’re reading this and you haven’t sponsored me, please help push me over the line – the revenue rather than finishing line that is (simply visit

As for the latter, the powers of the Liffey water, of which I partook on several occasions this past few days during an extended visit to Ireland, have ensured that I will at least turn up on the starting line. The torn calf muscle may have been treated with Guinness rather than more conventional physiotherapy but it’s done the trick. I tested it out today by treading out very gingerly on The Moodie Report ‘dreadmill’. I finished 4k successfully – though admittedly if I run at that pace on Saturday it will take me 100 minutes to complete the journey. Until injury struck I had been aiming for a sub-55 minutes.

But complete it I – and all the others – will. We have those cleft children to think about and to spur us on. And the generosity that so many of you have shown us will get us through any pain barriers that emerge. There are lots of miles ahead – but all the smiles will make it worthwhile.

Thank you all.