Back on the road as Trinity ends and World Cup beckons

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Martin Moodie is the Founder & Chairman of The Moodie Report.

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Well that’s Trinity done for another year. The Moodie Report Interim Bureau at the Intercontinental (superb hotel by the way) is closed, The Moodie Report Interim Conference Moderators are done, exhaustion replacing adrenalin.

I’m biased I suppose in terms of summing up The Trinity Forum but that’s balanced by a stern sense of self-criticism that normally leaves me with reservations about any project I am involved in, no matter how successful.

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[With my fellow conference moderator, and now partner in The Moodie Report, Dermot Davitt in front of a packed audience]

But overall I’m pretty pleased with this year’s event. There was a fine attendance (nearly 400, including a very encouraging number of airport executives), an outstanding speakers’ line-up, and the social events were thoroughly engaging.

Now it’s time to quit the part-time job of conference organiser  and focus instead on our biggest print edition of the year, our special Cannes show edition. It’s a War and Peace-like effort when all I (and I suspect my whole wonderful team) feel like right now is some peace.

It was great to see so many friends from around the world, and to make many new ones. Trinity has come a long way since 2003 when we launched it.  And so, if I dare to count my air miles down the years, have I. Now it’s time to spend some time at home. There’s a certain rugby tournament taking place and my beloved All Blacks have got off to the shakiest of starts. Better get back to support them.


[With organising partners ACI and ACI Asia-Pacific and sponsors at the Opening Cocktail]

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[SSP put on a dazzling culinary showcase at the Opening Cocktail, highlighting the best of its current and future offer at Hong Kong International Airport]

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