Latest posts by Martin Moodie (see all)
- On location: ‘Towards the supreme, fulfilling our dreams’ in Riyadh - January 30, 2025
- On location: Discovering a clear North Star in the Kingdom where opportunities flourish - January 27, 2025
- On location: Where clouds meet the land in Aseer Province - January 22, 2025
When I place my hand in a cold pool and fingerling salmon nibble the ends of my fingers, I know the pool will freeze over and the fingerlings will live under the ice until May when the ice will thaw and the adult salmon will swim into the river’s main channel and eventually work their way out to sea. All of these things will happen of their own accord, without my doing anything about them, and for some strange reason, I take great comfort in that fact. – James Lee Burke, Swan Peak
Paul Pasternak was a James Lee Burke aficionado. The great Texas-born crime writer appealed to Paul’s deep sense of the value of words and of great story telling.
Paul, who passed away on June 4, was himself a fine communicator. Not just in the written form – though he did that very well – but in the warmth and genuineness he brought to all his dealings with people.
He was, together with his loving and much-loved wife Lois, part of the fine family team that drove Travel Markets Insider from a humble, vaguely hopeful start-up to a respected industry publication of much merit and real success.
Before and after his illness we talked much about literature – in particular, we both loved the evocative power of James Lee Burke’s tales of America’s deep south.
After Paul fell ill with cancer, he attended this year’s Duty Free Show of Americas, amazing all who encountered him with his strength and endurance – all born out of his great love for his family and his desire to support the business they had collectively created.
There, generously, he presented me with his collection of James Lee Burke novels, one aficionado to another. Despite his outer grace and avowed determination, he knew inside that he would not be needing them again. One, Swan Peak, carries a hand-written note. I will treasure it.
Paul was a big and big-hearted man, the kind of ‘rival’ who in conversation would inevitably end up mentoring me on costs, workload and family priorities rather than seeking any competitive advantage.
In his latter months Paul proved every bit as resilient and tough and good as Dave Robicheaux, the great hero of many of Lee Burke’s novels. He would like that allusion, I think. And now he can rest.
[Pictured left to right at the 2009 Duty Free Show of the Americas in Fort Lauderdale: Paul Pasternak, Lois Pasternak, Martin Moodie and Harry Diehl].
We are a poorer world without Paul Pasternak, who was both a creative spirit and a genuinely nice man.
I had the great fortune to meet Paul and Lois a number of times over the years, and always felt when he interviewed me that I was gaining more knowledge and insight from him than he was from me – he was a rare talent.
My love and best wishes to Lois and their family at this sad time.
Brian Collie
I helped hire Paul at Burson-Marsteller about 40 years ago. He was a real contributor,never letting anyone down. Big hearted family man who always asked “how ya doing” and wanted a real answer.
I lost touch when I moved to Arizona but I enjoyed every meeeting with Paul and Lois and wish the family a safe and secure future.
One of the fondest memories of Paul I have is when I was starting my business he invited me into his Florida home and there, while balancing HIS business on one hand and my request for assistance on the other, offered me guidance, words of encouragement and real help in drafting and creating, not just in writing, a first draft business plan and bio. Paul was a true gentleman, always with a big smile and a warm greeting who will be deeply missed. May his memory be for blessing. Heartfelt sympathy to Lois, his children and his grandchild.
Love to Lois and family , and love to Paul although he has departed . Always enjoyed meeting Paul and always enjoyed his courtesy, will pray for his soul . Colm mc Loughlin .
Paul was a thoroughly decent and kind man. I always recall the many times we bumped into each other at the shows, and the genuine interest he and Lois took in how I was and what I was doing. I was always very fond of him and my heart goes out to Lois and the family at this sad time.
Bless you, Paul. x
Adele Wolstenhulme
Paul leaves behind a legacy of a great gentleman , talented writer/journalist, devoted husband and Father and one of the more well grounded people you would want to meet. He never accepted that the disease would win and fought it with great courage. Lois and her family demonstated the same strength in their support and love for Paul. He will be missed by the industry but he will most certainly be remembered.
Please convey my sincere condolences to Lois and the children. I’m dumbstruck – I just spoke to Paul a couple weeks ago and thought he had beat the cancer.
Rob Williams