Lady in red

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Martin Moodie is the Founder & Chairman of The Moodie Report.

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They were probably the best couple of one-liners heard at an industry conference in years.

Having listened to Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC) Vice President of Non-Aeronautical Revenues Dan Cappell extolling the merits of outsourcing duty free retailing to DFS, MEDFA conference moderator Dermot Davitt boldly asked Paul Griffiths, CEO of Dubai Airports (sister company to Dubai Duty Free), whether ADAC’s option of moving away from in-house retailing was attractive to him.

“Dermot what you’ve just asked me is like saying ‘What do you think of that girl in the red dress over there when her husband is sat right behind you?” replied Griffiths, sitting precisely three armchairs away from fellow panel member Dubai Duty Free Managing Director Colm McLoughlin.

The Irishman was quick to enter into the spirit of things. “Actually I think I might be the father,” Colm said to laughter.

Tonight at the Dubai Duty Free-sponsored MEDFA Gala Dinner, The Moodie Report caught up with both Paul Griffiths (below right) and Colm McLoughin. And who should be between them but a lady in red? Yes none other than Colm’s wife Breeda (below), as always dressed perfectly for the occasion.

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