Macadamia’s marathon man

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Seven children will receive new smiles and gain new hope following the successful completion of the Melbourne half marathon by James Kfouri, travel retail head of Paton’s Macadamia Plantations.

As previously reported, James dedicated his run to travel retail’s favourite charity, The Smile Train.

On a beautiful fresh Melbourne morning he completed the run in a smart time of 1 hour and 43 minutes, raising A$2,135 (US$1,725), which (at US$250 each) is enough to fund seven life-transforming operations conducted at The Smile Train-backed clinics.

James is shown relaxing with his little daughter Zara, who looks justifiably proud of her Dad. 


James will also be partaking once more in Miles for Smiles, a 10k fun run in Dubai on 21 November – also raising funds for The Smile Train.

As reported, this year’s fund-raising approach will differ from the individual sponsorship path of 2008. Instead, runners will be asked to pay an entrance fee of €100, and donors will be able to sponsor the whole field rather than having to choose between runners.

The sponsorship target is a more modest US$150,000 (last year reached US$260,000), due to the troubled economic environment. Already the fund-raising has begun – please visit to add your contribution.

If you would like to enter, please contact Rowena Holland at; or to sponsor the event and help offset costs please contact Mandy Shine at