When (duty free) dinosaurs roamed

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Words and pictures reach The Moodie Blog from the industry’s first ‘Dinosaur lunch’, held in London recently.

 As regular readers will know, the event was organised by Anita Rothermel (formerly Duty Free Buyer – Wines, Spirits, Tobacco, Confectionery at Sally Line) together with some close former industry colleagues. All had played an important role in developing the industry to what it is today. All bore the badge of dinosaur with pride but all were far from extinct.

The event, to which (worryingly) I was invited (but could not attend due to travel commitments) was duly held on 2 November at The Tattershall Castle on London’s Victoria Embankment.

I’ll let Anita take up the story. “We ended up with 50 ‘oldies’ attending and it was a resounding success, so much so that we are looking at repeating the event next year, when we hope it will be even bigger and better.”

Fancy a roam with fellow dinosaurs? If so, Anita can be contacted at anitarothermel@yahoo.co.uk. It’s a great notion and one can easily see overseas equivalents springing up soon.

[Alan Snelling and Roger Turner]

[Bryan Lawrence and Mike Ikin]

[Mike Ramsey, Malcolm MacDonald and Bryan Lawrence]

[Robin Page, Calvin Chin, Alan Snelling, Noel Bramley, Tony Roberts and Peter Eaves]

[Tony Barnes and Rod Sweeney]