Sunday too far away

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Martin Moodie is the Founder & Chairman of The Moodie Report.

hk bureau view

If it’s Sunday,  it must be Hong Kong right? Or Melbourne? Or somewhere in between…?

I’ve closed down The Moodie Report’s very temporary Hong Kong Bureau at the Regal Hotel at Hong Kong International Airport (along with Heathrow Airport my joint second home in recent weeks) with its wonderful view of planes swooping down on to the runway.

Time for a quick glass of Chablis at the airport before the 9-hour flight south, where I’m looking forward to my first visit in about 30 years to Melbourne Airport.

I love the sheer drama of Hong Kong International, with its big internal vistas and sweeping external panoramas, its great shopping and its brilliantly diverse food & beverage offer. As dusk settles there’s no better airport to be.

Talk to you from Melbourne, they’ve just issued the final call. Blogging is not a legitimate excuse to miss my flight…

hkia ext

HKIA view

